SUSTAINABLE FAT LOSS designed for military women...that actually works


[CURRENTLY CLOSED - next round in 2024]









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I KNOW YOU..because I WAS YOU.

After coaching hundreds of military women - I know exactly what you need to achieve progress around a busy schedule. This 12-week guided group mentorship experience will help you master the foundational principles to keep the fat off for good without compromising your health


Your blueprint to dropping your first 10-15 pounds...without the gimmicks or BS. 


Learn the foundational principles (that actually work) of sustainable fat loss so you don't keep gaining it back over and over again


Unlike a one-size-fits-all approach, you will be given a tailored nutrition recommendation along the way


You are not meant to do it alone. Be part of a group of like-minded military women who are on the same journey as you. 

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What you get:

Custom App Access

You'll receive your unique profile that will house your habits, progress, training program, nutrition protocol, progress photos, daily goals, videos and more! The app syncs to your fitness watch. 

Weekly Live Videos

I will be walking you through everything that you need to know to achieve + maintain results in your mind, body and lifestyle (Optimizing Workouts for Max Fat Loss, Grocery Shopping, Meal Prepping, Inflammation, Fat Loss Stalls, etc).  Calls will be recorded. 

Custom Nutrition Protocol

Calculated specifically to YOU - I will provide your starting macronutrients and calories. This will change throughout the program. 

Bi-Weekly Group Check-Ins

Based on your bi-weekly biofeedback (cycle, energy, adherence, sleep,etc), I will provide a feedback training to support the challenges/roadblocks to get you and the group back on track.  

Home or Gym Routine (4x45min)

A resistance-training program designed to tone, firm and boost your metabolism. You can choose our Home Workout or Gym Workout Plans! 

Q+A Access for your Top Questions

With education and implementing what I teach, questions are naturally going to arise - we have a safe and intimate group setting where you get to ask questions along your journey AND also share if you are needing some TLC and mindset help along the way. 

Member-only Resource Library

We get it. You are busy! So we created a library of resources at your finger tips while you are traveling, on the go or commuting to work. If you can't catch the live videos, this is where all recordings will be posted to so you don't miss a thing! 

Build the body of your dreams without restriction.


✓ you were able to reshape your entire body for building muscle, have a simple strategy that works, and feeling hella good naked...

✓ you were able to finally learn how to work-out efficiently and eat right so you never have to turn to diets or stress about getting into shape again...

✓ you actually know how to feed yourself around a busy schedule + not go home starving wanting to eat your entire pantry...

✓ you were able to jump out of bed with more energy and waking up feeling clear, grounded and stronger...

✓ all without cutting out your favorite foods, wasting hours in the gym and starving yourself?

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When  tactics and strategy don't align with your body's physiology, nothing happens but wasted time, wasted energy, wasted money, frustration and disappointment.

Is this you? 

😩 the thought of fitting in your blues or mess dress drives up your anxiety and stress

😣 you're tired of feeling like nothing works for you....

🤬 every time you lose weight you gain it back (plus more)  

😤 you've tried every fad diet your friends have, but they don't work for you 

😢 no matter how much you workout...the stubborn belly fat won't budge

🥵 you wonder if your metabolism is slow or if your hormones are the problem

🤮 you hate dieting because it makes you hungry, your cravings worse and you end up binging on junk food 

😵‍💫 you're good during the week but fall off the wagon every weekend

😬 you know you need to meal prep but you don't know how to or even want drive thrus are your bestie

😭 you find yourself avoiding social situations because you're uncomfortable in your skin

😐 you put in so much time and effort with an already demanding schedule, yet your body still looks the same

...basically you are frustrated that nothing is working for you. 

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Student Testimonials

Hear what our students have to say

"The best thing I ever did was invest in myself, as women we focus so much of our energy and time on others first. 

Rachael's programs are all about education, accountability and stepping into the highest version of me. Because of the program I have a solid foundation of nutrition and strength-training that will pay off for the rest of my life and career...and I am celebrating all my wins and challenge alongside other military women in the 90 days"

Angela, Air Force

I am more confident and happier, at work and in myself!

I'm seeing my arms + love handles starting to slim down and my "big" pants are actually a bit loose instead of snug! On the scale, I'm actually down 10lbs from when I started. Despite the chaos, I have noticed I am handling very stressful & chaotic situations at work much better and not getting overwhelmed. Seeing more ab definition & feeling good! 

Crystal, Air Force

People have been commenting how much weight I lost and they didn’t know I was trying!!!!!

I am down 20 pounds since the beginning working with Rachael and here’s the best part...don’t feel like I’m on a diet :)  Energy is up and I feel clear with my nutrition. 

Rachel, Air Force

More Testimonials

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If you made it this far... this is your sign to sign up!

You and I both know there is no such thing as a perfect time to start ;) 

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