Are you ready to build the body of your dreams without restrictions? 

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Are you ready to build the body of your dreams without restrictions? 
Yes Please!


  • you were able to reshape your entire body for building muscle, have a simple strategy that works, and feeling hella good naked...
  • you were able to finally learn how to work-out efficiently and eat right so you never have to turn to diets or stress about getting into shape again...
  • you actually know how to feed yourself around a busy schedule + not go home starving wanting to eat your entire pantry...
  • you were able to jump out of bed with more energy and waking up feeling clear, grounded and stronger...
  • you were able to improve your fitness scores, feel confident in your uniform and just focus on becoming the high-performing leader you are without thinking about food all day or worrying how you look...
  • all without cutting out your favorite foods, wasting hours in the gym and starving yourself?

Are your frustrated that nothing is working for you?

Be Honest with me


Is this you? 

  • the thought of fitting in your blues or mess dress drives up your anxiety and stress

  • you're tired of feeling like nothing works for you....

  • every time you lose weight you gain it back (plus more) 

  • you know you have that annual PT test but you always wait util the last minute & end up either injured or requesting a waiver 

  • you've tried every fad diet your friends have, but they don't work for you 

  • no matter how much you workout...the stubborn belly fat won't budge

  • you wonder if your metabolism is slow or if your hormones are the problem

  • you hate dieting because it makes you hungry, your cravings worse and you end up binging on junk food 

  • you're good during the week but fall off the wagon every weekend

  • you know you need to meal prep but you don't know how to or even want to...then all of a sudden it's Monday + you haven't bought groceries yet

  • you find yourself avoiding social situations because you're uncomfortable in your skin

  • you put in so much time and effort with an already demanding schedule, yet your body still looks the same



When the tactics and strategy don't align with your body's physiology, nothing happens but wasted time, wasted energy, wasted money, frustration and disappointment. 




I know I said it. I know you're a leader that takes ownership...

But here is exactly why it's so hard for military women to get results:


✔ Military Women have inconsistent busy schedules- from PCSing, TDYs, shift work, and interruptions all day- that leaves them little time to prepare a meal or workout

✔ With fad diets everywhere, they have no idea what types of foods they should be eating, and what diet plans actually work for their body types and their lifestyle. Drive Thrus & ordering-in is their go-to if they’re not on a plan.

✔ Military Women are leaders who put others first and have hardly any energy to take care of themselves- they feel like they are in survival mode all the time, try to fit in a workout right after work, but end up feeling too exhausted to make it happen.

✔ They feel pretty lost and confused when it comes to working out. They resort to cardio when they find the time to work out, but want to actually feel strong & toned.

✔ They want to overcome stress-eating & emotional eating and are always caught in the diet-binge cycle. They feel out of control around food. They get random bursts of motivation to do something about it, but end up falling off the wagon a couple weeks later. Guilt sets in.

✔ When they try something new, they’re constantly questioning if what they are doing is going to actually work for them. 


And after a while, military women feel defeated and give up. And I don't blame them!

Fitness & nutrition is confusing, and knowing that they could feel confident, stronger, and more energized if they only had a strategy.... is soul-crushing!



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I know you... because I was you.


Hey there, warrior! 

I'm Rachael - An Air Force veteran, Mrs. Colorado and world-class athlete turned fitness + wellness coach. In the last 4 years, I have coached hundreds of military women to guide and help them excel on their PT tests, get stronger, feel good in their uniform and achieve unshakeable confidence leading their units and their families.

I struggled with this for YEARS until I decided to dive into the science of nutrition & fitness, discover how to finally stop stress eating, and find the proven method to live a BALANCED, SUSTAINABLE lifestyle- and I did!

When I was active duty pulling shifts, I felt like I was just on autopilot and rushing from task to task. Everything was great except...I was stressedburnt-out. wasn’t happy with how I looked, I felt anxiety rush over my body every time I needed to fit into blues, I was too tired to even cook or even workout after work, and struggled with stress-eating and emotional eating. I wanted my airmen to look up to me! 

I realized that my health, fitness and mindset around food wasn’t a reflection of the high-performing leader that I wanted to be, but every time I tried a diet to shed the fat and slaved away on the treadmill for hours, I just could not keep the weight off FOR GOOD. I was sick and tired...of feeling sick and tired. 

After testing out my blueprint, I lost 45 pounds postpartum & kept it off, gained lean muscle, still eat the foods I love, scored HIGHER PT scores, don't do hours of cardio, and completely reshaped my body! Now, I want to help other military women who were in the same spot I was. 

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I know you... because I was you.


Hey there, warrior! 

I'm Rachael - An Air Force veteran, Mrs. Colorado and world-class athlete turned fitness + wellness coach. In the last 4 years, I have coached hundreds of military women to guide and help them excel on their PT tests, get stronger, feel good in their uniform and achieve unshakeable confidence leading their units and their families.

I struggled with this for YEARS until I decided to dive into the science of nutrition & fitness, discover how to finally stop stress eating, and find the proven method to live a BALANCED, SUSTAINABLE lifestyle- and I did!

When I was active duty pulling shifts, I felt like I was just on autopilot and rushing from task to task. Everything was great except...I was stressedburnt-out. wasn’t happy with how I looked, I felt anxiety rush over my body every time I needed to fit into blues, I was too tired to even cook or even workout after work, and struggled with stress-eating and emotional eating. I wanted my airmen to look up to me! 

I realized that my health, fitness and mindset around food wasn’t a reflection of the high-performing leader that I wanted to be, but every time I tried a diet to shed the fat and slaved away on the treadmill for hours, I just could not keep the weight off FOR GOOD. I was sick and tired...of feeling sick and tired. 

After testing out my blueprint, I lost 45 pounds postpartum & kept it off, gained lean muscle, still eat the foods I love, scored HIGHER PT scores, don't do hours of cardio, and completely reshaped my body! Now, I want to help other military women who were in the same spot I was. 

Imagine if...

You were a part of an empowering community of women serving each other where the focus is on progress rather than perfection. A community built around providing you the necessary tools to cultivate the skills on what it takes to become your own superhero with ease and the  confidence you deserve.


 Where we work together to reshape your entire body by building lean muscle, cutting down body fat and feeling hella good in your clothes...

✔ Where you finally learn how to work-out efficiently and eat right, so you never have to turn to diets or stress about getting into shape again...

✔ Where you are able to jump out of bed with more energy and waking up feeling leaner and stronger...                                                       

✔ Where you are able to improve your fitness scores, feel confident in your uniform and just focus becoming the high- performing leader you are without thinking about food all day or worrying how you look...


All without cutting out your favorite foods, wasting hours in the gym and starving yourself?


I'm In!

Imagine if...

You were a part of an empowering community of women serving each other where the focus is on progress rather than perfection. A community built around providing you the necessary tools to cultivate the skills on what it takes to become your own superhero with ease and the  confidence you deserve.


 Where we work together to reshape your entire body by building lean muscle, cutting down body fat and feeling hella good in your clothes...

✔ Where you finally learn how to work-out efficiently and eat right, so you never have to turn to diets or stress about getting into shape again...

✔ Where you are able to jump out of bed with more energy and waking up feeling leaner and stronger...                                                       

✔ Where you are able to improve your fitness scores, feel confident in your uniform and just focus becoming the high- performing leader you are without thinking about food all day or worrying how you look...



All without cutting out your favorite foods, wasting hours in the gym and starving yourself?


I'm In!

What my clients are saying...

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This is perfect for you if...


✔ You are a Military Woman (Active Duty, Reserves, Guard, Retired) or military spouse

✔ You are a driven, ambitious and hardworking leader who is passionate in making sure the mission gets done and your tasks are complete by the  end of the day.

✔ You’re super busy either under a pile of paperwork or fulfilling the mission with crazy hours but don’t have a lot of time to focus on eating right & working out...but it’s super important that you stay in shape, build lean muscle, lose weight and stay healthy so you can perform your best and pass that dreaded PT test.

✔ You have a demanding job, a busy lifestyle, have little time to be wasting energy, thrive on guidance and knowing exactly what to do on a daily basis to be successful, and want someone to hold you accountable.

This is what you get...


Guiding you on your first step and how each step adds up. One step. One rep. One set. One glass of water. One balanced meal. One minute of meditation. One minute running. One workout. One minute of journaling. It starts with ONE. 



Through habit, comes repetition, and through consistent effort, comes confidence and change.




A coach who gets it because she was you. Someone that you lean on, depend on, and be vulnerable with because life is messy, but together, we can accomplish greatness.

 Warrior Programs 

Inner Circle

Private Coaching


My high level mentorship package. This is for you if you want to go all in and have higher proximity to me. This is for leaders who are 100% committed for at least 6 months or more.


I am interested!

Military Mommas Mastermind


 An 8-week guided mastermind designed specifically for prenatal and postpartum women where I take you through everything you need to know about getting stronger while pregnant, nourishing you and baby, and feeling good and CONFIDENT in your body.

Next Round starts in November 2023.

First Come First Serve 


Yes this is for me!

 Military Fat Loss Academy


An 12-week foundational fitness, nutrition and mindset mentorship for military women to jumpstart your first 10-15 pounds of fat loss. 


This is my proven strategy + structure to help you sustainably lose the fat for good while also learning the HOW+WHAT+WHY to lasting results.


I need this!


Become your inner SUPERHERO

When you put hard work in, hard work beats talent every single time. Something that I have adopted over the years is, "The Wonder Woman Mindset" which is to take what makes you strong and just run with. I hope to inspire others that you can do anything that you set your mind to. 


Why I'm different?


l will give you the proven strategy + structure to accomplish your goals every single week and finally start to lose body fat and build lean muscle.

I’ll teach you how to making working out and eating well feel like second nature, instead of a “to do” list item or an added task on your plate. My goal is to make it feel like a habit. 

I support you every step of the way with bi-weekly coaching calls, and
unlimited 1-on-1 daily messaging support.

I’ll teach you how to become the leader who achieves balance, has an abundant mindset and knows how to overcome mental blocks.

I care deeply for your fulfillment, happiness, purpose, mission as a high performing leader, and your overall health transformation.

Finally, I know what it’s like to be a busy, active-duty military member. I have been in your shoes from juggling shift work to last-minute
TDYs/missions. Not a lot of coaches out there will be able to understand what your life looks like & the struggles you face like the way I do.


I'm Ready to Change!


For all future releases of new and signature programs. Join my VIP access list to be the first to know!

If you made it to the bottom of this super duper long page...




I'm so Ready!